Commercial Pilot License - Aeroplane

The second major step in the Professional Pilot training program is to obtain a Commercial Pilot License. A Commercial Pilot License allows a pilot to fly for hire or reward.

The Training

Our program training will include a lot of advanced ground school studies and the flying skills of the students will be fine tuned by the flight instructors to bring their skill of flying to or above the flight test standards.

★ License : Private Pilot License – Aeroplane

★ Age : 18 Years and above

★ Medical : Indian Requirement – Class 1 Medical
                   Canadian Requirement – Category 1 Medical

D.G.C.A. CPL Minimum Requirements for both Single Engine & Multi Engine

★ Total 200 hours. 15 hours on Multi Engine, 185 hours on Single Engine out of which :

★ 100 hours of solo on S.E. In total ( PIC time )

         – Which includes, 50 hours 100 NM Cross-Country Solo, inclusive of 300 NM Cross Country

         – 5 hours solo by night

★ 85 hours of dual

         – 20 hours of instrument ( actual )

★ 15 hours of M.E. Flying

         – 9 hours of day flying ( 3 hours of IF )

         – 3 hours of night flying

         – 1 hour Night Check : PIC ( U/S )

         – 1 hour Day Check : PIC ( U/S )

         – 1 hour IR Check : PIC ( U/S )

★ Apart from the 200 hours of actual flying. Every Trainee Pilot shall carry out 20 hours of Simulator as follows :

         – 10 hours of Simulator on S.E.

         – 10 hours of Simulator on M.E.

★ A minimum total of 200 hours of flying experience including:

★ 100 hours PIC Time

★ 20 hours PIC Cross-Country Time

★ 35 hours Dual Training Time (excluding PPL Training)

         – 10 hours of Advanced Dual Instruction

         – 20 hours of Instrument Time

         – 5 hours of Dual Night Flying

★ 30 hours of Solo Training Time (excluding PPL Training)

         – 25 hours of general practice, including airwork, and radio communication

         – 5 hours Solo Night Flying

         – A 300 Nautical Mile Cross-Country with 3 landings excluding the point of departure

★ A minimum of 80 hours ground school – Including instruction on Air Law, Meteorology, Navigation, and General Knowledge.

★ Canada Written Exam – CPL Aeroplane

★ Transport Canada Flight Test


The given duration is based on an average course completion rate. The training is done at students pace and progress.

The hours used to calculate the course expense based on Transport Canada minimums. Any additional training required to meet standards will be charged at the applicable rates.




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